About me


I absolutely love animals and have a household ruled by them! Most are rescue pets and we are glad to give them a second chance.


The Little Bunny Studio was established in 2014. The name 'little bunny' comes from my pet house rabbit Leeloo. Leeloo came to us as a tiny bunny that just fit in your hand but pretty soon it was clear that she wasn't a normal rabbit! The vet said 'um she seems to be a Hare'. Great big long ears and legs was a dead give away and running around the garden the two cats Ceefer and Penny couldn't keep up with her! She was a Belgian Hare, Otter colour.

The bunny logo is taken from a portrait of Leeloo.


I gained a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Fashion Textile Design from Plymouth University. I worked for some time as a designer for the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (Catalunya's National Art Museum in Barcelona). A few years later I did my Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) which allowed me to teach. Half way through my teaching career I decided to have a change and began training as a Veterinary Nurse.


Towards the end of my teaching career of 16 years I decided that I really wanted to do some artwork for my own enjoyment and began - firstly online - to sell my work at Art Events around the country. I'm very happy to say that I am a Professional Artist and my work supports me financially.



Artists I love.....

This is a Japanese artist called Hiromi Miura. She studied Nihonga meaning 'Traditional Japanese Art' and specialises in 'Sumi', black & white ink work. These are some of my favourites, they are stunningly detailed.


These are by April Coppini. She's an American artist and I love the movement (along with the monochrome) in her work. 

I love to collect other artists work and especially tattoos. Two fantastic artisits I have had work done by are Tori Treasure and Jessi James.


Mis motos!


Professional Artist Biography
If you would like some more in depth info about me, read my Professional Biography
Artist Biography.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [221.1 KB]

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Copyright on the original image is retained by the artist and it may not be reproduced. Paula Robinson 2024
